Posted: Thursday, March 01, 2007 by Stained in

Time & again the people of this world prove to me that each & every person can be manipulated to ones own convenience & every action of theirs can be predicted to precision.
Just trigger it & all the pieces will fall into place as per your need. Quite simple to do & very satisfactory to watch the whole process happen.
It also proves that you really don't need to do much to have your way. Just be a little selfish & evil in life & everything should be fine for you...
Hmm....its quite surprising that people can soo easily be made to do what you exactly want them to do.


  1. The Ego says:

    Wot's this all about? I just saw it ... :S

  1. F says:

    Ofcourse it does... Im surprised its taken you this long to admit it to yourself... Anyone can be bought, sold, manupilated and etc into doing a great deal of evil deeds...

    However, I do not fault you if you had chosen to live in naïveté or look the other way... for I have chosen to live in that path for a while myself... It was far easier than dealing with reality that has become our society...

    It's a sad sad world... but remember... it is only what you make of it that counts...

  1. Stained says:

    I knew about this a long time back....just people keep re-inforcing my belief so just thought I'd post it here as it was loong due anyways....

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