Cut short...

Posted: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 by Stained in Labels:


It wiithered in pain lying on the floor...
A splash of red nearby.
Blood spewing from its destroyed mouth...
Gasping for the life that was cut short.

A motor comes to a halt somewhere...
Scampering feet holding back the desperation.
A hand reaches out pulling it to safety...
It was dead somewhere inbetween.


For the ones who don't get it. I'm talking about a street cat that had been hit by a car. It was lying on the floor whitering like a fish out of the water. I stopped my car blocking off the road making sure no other car ran over it. Unlike the other times... I picked up the cat with my bare hand as blood dripped from its mouth. It took its last breath as I walked over to the pavement where I laid it down. As I walked back to the car I glanced at the blood splattered across the road; the car that hit the cat must have been speeding. It's an internal road with speed humps since it's right next to a school. *sigh*

Can't sleep...


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