It revolves around a one
The spare of the first
Without it there is nothing
But this is the persistence
That was mistyped sideways
In invisible inked literacies
Of everything that it withheld
Concealed amongst bars
Smeared glossed layers
Flesh and carcasses
Tears and screams
Never break them they said
We cannot get out
This is the persistence
Going down the rabbit hole
Shoves and laps
Perspire and grime
A shadow waits in the gloom
- Stained
It revolves around a one
The spare of the first
Without it there is nothing
But this is the persistence
That was mistyped sideways
In invisible inked literacies
Of everything that it withheld
Concealed amongst bars
Smeared glossed layers
Flesh and carcasses
Tears and screams
Never break them they said
We cannot get out
This is the persistence
Going down the rabbit hole
Shoves and laps
Perspire and grime
A shadow waits in the gloom
- Stained